Driving instructor lesson plan Motorways, overtaking dual carriageways ADI Part 3
Written and designed by ORDIT registered trainers Driver Training Ltd who have been training people to become driving instructors for almost 20 years.
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
30 pages professionally printed on 170gsm paper explains all you need for you and your pupil on dealing with overtaking, dual carriageways and motorways
Driving instructor lesson plan Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
Overtaking someone on a single road is very different to overtaking on a dual carriageway, so the routine needs to be different.
When overtaking on a single road - The routine should be
Most briefing folders or lesson plans may show the pictures, but they don't really explain the subject or what to look out for - the difference with this briefing folder it actually includes instructions of how to do it!
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
This briefing folder is different in that it explains what needs to be done and how to do it.
These driving instructor lesson plan diagrams cover
- Overtaking on a single road
- Overtaking on a dual carriageway/motorway
- Joining/Leaving a dual carriageway
- Driving on a dual carriageway
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
Driving on a motorway including smart motorways
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
So whether you are a learner driver, struggling to understand the subject, an ADI Part 2 trainee or ADI Part 3 Trainee, or even an experienced driver who just want to refresh their knowledge of a subject.
These handy driving guides are ideal for you
If you already have a briefing folder, then these can be a great addition as you can just use a specific subject that you'd like to be able to explain better or understand better.
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
It is written by ORDIT registered Trainers Driver Training Ltd who have been teaching people to become driving instructors for almost 20 years.
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
This briefing folder covers all of the aspects of dealing with overtaking on single roads and multi lane roads so not only does it benefit you as the driving instructor, and help you get to know what needs to be done - you can also provide these to your pupils by selling them.
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway
This way the pupils are better prepared for their driving test.
ADI Part 3 lesson plan diagrams - Motorways, overtaking dual carriageway